Hello everyone! There’s a new feature added to the site that I’m very excited and happy to tell you about.
I hired someone to create a “Practice Page” for the site. This page contains the video for the matching transcription, a timer to track the practice session, a running total of the time practiced for that particular item, and a “Notes” field.
You can find the “Practice Page” under the “More” menu item and also in your Profile menu item.
The reason for this? As some of you may or may not know, I’m a big believer in the idea of “productive practicing” or “focused’ practicing, and I owe a lot of my progress and ability to make weekly YouTube videos for the past 5 years to this form of practicing.
Productive Practicing basically involves having goals for each time you practice, keeping track of what you practice, the time you practice, and also knowing when to move on to other things to practice when your focus begins to fade. I hope you will use this new feature and I’d love to hear your feedback.
Coming next will be a Calendar so you can see the days you practiced, for how long you practiced, and what you practiced. After that, I want to add the feature where you can create your own lesson to practice and upload your own videos (or other videos).
I hope you enjoy it and as always. Thank you for your support :)